An Lin
An Lin graduated from the Fu Jen Catholic University with a master’s degree in applied music. She endeavors to combine music and visual art to record her physical and mental experiences. During her academic life, she studied composition under the advisership of Dr. Chao-Ming Tung and Dr. Hao-Yuan Chiu. Her master’s thesis project was inspired by the French composer Oliver Messiaen (1908-1992), which culminated in an original composition entitled In the Name of Love: The Three Forms of Love (2021) that explores the logic of synesthesia of harmony and color. Miss Lin envisions composing more works that combines musical and visual cultures.
Besides academic life, she enjoys observing the surrounding world. Currently she has three cats,
and in the future she would love to have a pet call duck.
Finalist in the 36th HSIN-YI CHILDREN LITERATURE AWARD (2024) for Children's Picture Bood Group with "愛在一起發光".
2023 Taichung MRT Soundscape Project: Jiushe Station - Arriving Station Music titled "Egrets Wading In Water".
Second Prize in the 17th myfone Mobile Award (2023) for Original Stickers category with "Taiwan Endemic Species - Gut! Wage slave's innermost thoughts".
For questions or inquiries please get in touch with An Lin via email.
Follow An Lin on instagram.
作曲師從董昭民老師與邱浩源老師。論文研究取法法國作曲家Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992), 以和聲與色彩的聯覺邏輯出發,創作《以愛為題:愛的三態》(2021)並於碩士畢業音樂會演奏。以後希望可以創作更多結合色彩和音樂的作品。
2024年 【第36屆信誼幼兒文學獎 幼兒圖畫書組】《愛在一起發光》入圍決選
2023年 【風行者-台中捷運地景音樂計畫】舊社站進站音樂〈白鷺照水〉正選;文心中清站進站音樂〈水湳圓舞曲〉入選
2023年 【第十七屆 myfone行動創作獎 圖文創作 原創貼圖】〈台灣特有「種」—Gut!超帶種社畜心裡話〉二獎